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In this Bonus Series, we explore the legendary lives of the most famous witches and wizards in history, and their legacies in the magic of the modern day...

Episode 1: King Solomon
In this first episode we are exploring the mythical life and magical accomplishments of King Solomon, including some of the iconic objects associated with him, such as the Seal of Solomon and the Lesser Key of Solomon, while also digging into the history of how the legends about him have come to be.
Via early Jewish mystic writings to Arabian folktales and Medieval European grimoires, we're sifting through sand, rifling through parchment scrolls, and seeking the truth behind forged texts, disputing revisionist accounts of the past and discussing archaeological evidence to separate fact from fiction.
For example, what was Solomon's Temple said to be like, and why can nobody find it? Did he really have a flying throne to whizz about on jolly adventures? What was his relationship like with the Queen of Sheba, and why is it said the Kingdom of Israel fell to pieces after he died?
From super-destructive magical worms to demons forced into manual handling work, a litany of pagan deities being worshiped in buildings right alongside armies of busy sex workers, we're weaving a wild tangle of stories, spells, mysteries and enchantments that we hope will enlighten and entertain.